KISAN NETWORK Kisan Network is a Tech Enabled Supply chain for Inidan Agriculture, with a fully integrated PAN India presence, empowering small and marginal farmers to sell products directly to businessmans. Kisan Network is a tech based supply chain startup of India focused on agriculture, the backbone of India. INTRODUCTION Kisan Network is a Gurgaon, Haryana, India based startup founded by Aditya Agarwalla and Sanjay K Agarwalla for the Indian farmers to sell products directly to businessman. They focused on that section of the society which was really left unorganized, and the backbone of india, agriculture where there is huge scope of growth and development. FACTS AND FIGURES NAME OF THE FIRM KSIHAN NETWORK FOUNDED 2015 FOUNDER Aditya Agarwalla Sanjay K Agarwalla INDUSTRIES AGRICULTURE, Ag Tech, MOBILE HEADQUARTER GURGAON, HARYANA, INDIA AREA SERVED VILLAGES OF...
#What is love? Friends give your answer in comment box if u loved someone and share it with your partner.
The auther of this beautiful book :-Gary Chapman
Today we are going to talk about love and languages of love which is important to know, for lovers. We are human, even our pets, understand and wants love, then how can we ignore love in our life. Love starts with our mother and ends to our life-partner. For everyone love plays an important role in his life, either positive or negative.
There was a rich man, and he was always sad and tensed then once a day auther asked him you have a great empire and you are so rich why are you sad and unhappy.
#Quality Time:- Everone wants time from his partner for a long drive, movie, dinner so on. But the Quality Time don't mean the time you are with your partner.
It means undivided time for your partner having a long walk, looking into their eyes, talk and more. Always on phone is not Quality Time but talking little but full of love is Quality Time.

Personally, I had a negative one but the feeling I felt was unforgetable, so enjoy your love in positive manner. This article will help you in making your relations more beautiful.

Then he replied, yes I have but my family and my wife don't love me. And the dominating power of Life is love and fear, and even love is more but I don't have love at all. Without love, money can't buy happiness.
Our auther says everyone has a love tank inside him which is filled up by, the love of someone special. When they won't get that love the tank starts to empty and the people gets tensed, confused, sad and problems starts.
After a analysis of lots of couple it is found that after 2 years of marriage love goes down. In My point of view communication plays an important role in love, even it has language - #Body Language and #Tone You Speak
In my earlier post THE SECRET will help you:-
After a analysis of lots of couple it is found that after 2 years of marriage love goes down. In My point of view communication plays an important role in love, even it has language - #Body Language and #Tone You Speak
In my earlier post THE SECRET will help you:-
Now we are going to talk about Language of Love
We have 5 language of love:-
#Words Of Affirmation
#Words Of Affirmation
#Quality Time
#Receiving Gifts
#Acts Of Service
Physical Touch
Everyone have their own primary love language which make them feel happy and fills love tank.
#Words Of Affirmation:-The unhappy rich man Mark and his wife Andriya,the primary love language of her was words of affirmation but he don't know how to make her happy and what is her primary love language, he always makes all her demand fulfill. He does all he thinks which make her happy take care of her and children. But his biggest mistake was he never appreciate her, never says I Love You, compliments.
He thinks RESPONSIBILITY and CARE is main love, not by conveying it but her language is that to hear. Words Of Affirmation means the words which make them feel special, great, loving...
It means undivided time for your partner having a long walk, looking into their eyes, talk and more. Always on phone is not Quality Time but talking little but full of love is Quality Time.
#Receiving Gifts:- Who don't like to have gifts, but the people whose primary language is this, feel extremely special and being loved when they receive gifts.
Let me say you friends, gifts are not weight by money but these are weight by, who has given and with how much love. You can use simple rose, toffee, Teddy, your little affort makes them feel special.
Let me say you friends, gifts are not weight by money but these are weight by, who has given and with how much love. You can use simple rose, toffee, Teddy, your little affort makes them feel special.
#Acts Of Service:- In the above example of husband-wife, the primary love language of husband is Acts Of Service and he uses this method to make her happy but she never felt happy.
The peoples having this primary language wants their partner helps in their works and shares responsibility, wants help in kitchen, help in their works and more.
The peoples having this primary language wants their partner helps in their works and shares responsibility, wants help in kitchen, help in their works and more.
#Physical Touch:- Chillout friends it in not about what comes in your mind, let us understand it well what it means. Physical Touch means keeping your head in your partners shoulder and watching TV, long walk hand in hand, hug, kiss, and more. We want someone to hug in extremely bad situations and it feels relaxed.
To built a strong relationships find your partners primary love language and your also and act as per. And this will help you to built a strong relation.
###Thanks for your precious time###
#Keep reading and share#
#Keep reading and share#
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